Strangvac® er en ny vaccine mod kværke. En smitsom sygdom som forårsages af bakterien Streptococcus equi.
Strangvac® er en vaccine mod kværke som administreres intramuskulært for aktiv immunisering af heste fra 8 måneders alder(sikker at anvende fra 5 måneders alfer) med indikationerne:
Reduktion af kliniske tegn* i den akutte fasen af infektion med Streptococcus equi.
Reduktion af antallet bylder i de submandibulære og retropharyngeale lymfeknuderne.
*Kliniske symptom såsom feber, hoste, synkebesvær samt tegn på nedsat almentilstand og appetit.

Strangvac® injektionsvæske, suspension for heste.
Farveløs til bleggul suspension.
Farmakoterapeutisk gruppe: immunologisk for Equidae, inaktiverede bakterielle vacciner (inklusive mykoplasma, toxoid og klamydia), streptokokker.
ATCvet kode: QI05AB01
En dose (2 ml) indeholder:
Aktive substanser
Rekombinant protein CCE från Streptococcus equi | ≥ 111,8 mikrogram* |
Rekombinant protein Eq85 från Streptococcus equi | ≥ 44,6 mikrogram* |
Rekombinant protein IdeE från Streptococcus equi | ≥ 34,6 mikrogram* |
*fastat igenom styrketester som bygger på in vitro-metoder (ELISA)*
Renad Quillaia Saponin QS-21 (Fraktion C)
≥ 260 mikrogram
Hver dose (2 ml) administreres intramuskulært.
Administrer en dose (2 ml) igennem intramuskulær injektion, efterfulgt af en andre dose (2 ml) fire uger senere.
Det findes ingen data om forlænget klinisk immunitet ved revaccination igennem administrering af engangsdoser.
Hos heste som løber høj risiko for infektion med S. equi anbefales derfor at grundvaccinationen gentages efter to måneder.
Opbevares og transporteres køligt (2°C–8°C). Tåler ikke frost. Beskyt ampullen mod lyd ved at opbevare den i forpakningen.
Strangvac® findes i følgende pakningsstørrelser
Størrelse | Pakningstype | Varenummer |
8×2 ml, hætteglas | Hætteglas i karton | 571 311 |
Publikationer med koppling till Strangvac®
Stangvac publikationer i internationella tidskrifter
Intervaccs medarbetare har publicerat och medverkat till ett flertal publikationer inom vaccinområdet i välrenommerade vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Här presenterar vi en sammanställning av de publikationer som är relevanta och kopplade till Strangvac.
Referee- granskade artiklar i internationella tidskrifter
Kategori | Artikel | Årtal |
Intramuscular vaccination with Strangvac is safe and induces protection against equine strangles caused by Streptococcus equi, Vaccine 38, 4861-4868 , Carl Robinson, Andrew S. Waller, Lars Frykberg, Margareta Flock, Olof Zachrisson, Bengt Guss and Jan-Ingmar Flock. | 2020 | |
Strangvac early trials | Getting to grips with strangles: an effective multi-component recombinant vaccine for the protection of horses from Streptococcus equi infection. PLoS Pathogen. Published 18 sep 2009, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000584, Bengt Guss, Margareta Flock, Lars Frykberg, Andrew S. Waller, Carl Robinson, Ken C. Smith, and Jan-Ingmar Flock. | 2009 |
Strangvac early trials | Strangvac: A recombinant fusion protein vaccine that protects against strangles, caused by Streptococcus equi Vaccine, 2018 Mar 7;36(11):1484-1490, Robinson, C., Frykberg, L., Flock, M., Guss, B., Waller, A., Flock, J-I | 2017 |
Strangvac early trials | Protective effect of vaccination with recombinant proteins from Streptococcus equi subspecies equi in a strangles model in the mouse. Vaccine 24:4144-4151. Flock, M., Karlström, Å., Lannergård, J., Guss, B. and Flock, J.-I. | 2006 |
Strangvac early trials | Vaccination of horses against strangles using recombinant antigens from Streptococcus equi. Vaccine 25:3629-3635. Waller, A., Flock, M., Smith, K., Robinson, C., Mitchell, Z., Karlström, A., Lannergård, J., Bergman, R., Guss, B. and Flock JI | 2007 |
Strangvac early trials | Recombinant Streptococcus equi proteins protect mice in challenge experiments and induce immune response in horses. Infect Immun. 72:3228-3236. Flock, M., Jacobsson, K., Hirst, T., R., Franklin, A., Guss, B., and Flock, J.-I. | 2004 |
Strangvac targets | The streptococcal collagen-binding protein CNE specifically interferes with alphaVbeta3-mediated cellular interactions with triple helical collagen. J Biol Chem 285: 35803-35813. van Wieringen T, Kalamajski S, Lidén A, Bihan D, Guss B, Heinegård D, Farndale RW and Rubin K. | 2010 |
Strangvac targets | Identification of a novel collagen-like protein, SclC, in Streptococcus equi using signal phage display.Vet Microbiol 104:179-188. Karlström, Å., Jacobsson, K., Flock, M., Flock,J.-I., and Guss B. | 2004 |
Strangvac targets | SclC is a member of a novel family of collagen-like proteins in Streptococcus equi subspecies equi that are recognized by antibodies against SclC. Vet Microbiol 114:72-8. Karlström, Å., Jacobsson, K. and Guss, B. | 2006 |
Strangvac targets | IdeE, an IgG-endopeptidase of Streptococcus equi ssp equi. FEMS Microbiology Letters 262:230-235. Lannergård, J. and Guss, B. | 2006 |
Strangvac targets | CNE, a collagen-binding protein of Streptococcus equi. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 222:69-74. Lannergård, J., Frykberg, L. and Guss, B. | 2003 |
Strangvac targets | Shot-gun phage display mapping of two streptococcal cell-surface proteins. Microbiol Res.152:1-8. Jacobsson, K., Jonsson, H., Lindmark, H., Guss, B., Lindberg, M. and Frykberg. L. | 1997 |
Strangvac targets | A protein G related cell surface protein in Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Infect Immun 63:2968-2975. Jonsson, H., Lindmark, H. and Guss. B. | 1995 |
Research Strangles | Novel seM-types of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi identified in isolates circulating in Argentina Equine Vet J. Carla P Bustos, Alejandra J Muñoz, Nora Guida, Andrew Waller, María Mesplet. | 2022 |
Research Strangles | Surveillance of strangles in UK horses between 2015 and 2019 based on laboratory detection of Streptococcus equi. Vet Rec Dec;189(12):e948, DOI: 10.1002/vetr.948. Abigail McGlennon, Andrew Waller, Kristien Verheyen, Josh Slater, John Grewar, David Aanensen, Richard Newton. | 2021 |
Research Strangles | Streptococcus equi infections: current best practice in the diagnosis and management of ‘strangles’. UK-Vet EquineVol. 5, No. Sup2 David Rendle, Nic de Brauwere, Gayle Hallowell, Philip Ivens, Abigail McGlennon, Richard Newton, Jo White, Andrew Waller. | 2021 |
Research Strangles | Globetrotting strangles: the unbridled national and international transmission of Streptococcus equi between horses Microb Genom. Catriona Mitchell, Karen F Steward, Amelia R L Charbonneau, Saoirse Walsh, Hayley Wilson, John F Timoney, Ulli Wernery, Marina Joseph, David Craig, Kees van Maanen, Annelies Hoogkamer-van Gennep, Albertine Leon, Lucjan Witkowski, Magdalena Rzewuska, Ilona Stefańska, Monika Żychska, Gunther van Loon, Ray Cursons, Olivia Patty, Els Acke, James R Gilkerson, Charles El-Hage, Joanne Allen, Hiroshi Bannai, Yuta Kinoshita, Hidekazu Niwa, Teótimo Becú, John Pringle, Bengt Guss, Reinhard Böse, Yvonne Abbott, Lisa Katz, Bernadette Leggett, Tom C Buckley, Shlomo E Blum, Fátima Cruz López, Ana Fernández Ros, Maria Cristina Marotti Campi, Silvia Preziuso, Carl Robinson, J Richard Newton, Ellen Schofield, Ben Brooke, Mike Boursnell, Nicolas de Brauwere, Roxane Kirton, Charlotte K Barton, Khalil Abudahab, Ben Taylor, Corin A Yeats, Richard Goater, David M Aanensen, Simon R Harris, Julian Parkhill, Matthew T G Holden, Andrew Waller. | 2021 |
Research Strangles | Horses vaccinated with live attenuated intranasal strangles vaccine seroconvert to SEQ2190 and SeM Equine Vet J, Ashley G Boyle, Catriona Mitchell, Darko Stefanovski, Andrew S Waller. | 2021 |
Research Strangles | Seroprevalence of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi in Croatia - Short communication Acta Vet Hung, Zrinka Štritof, Catriona Mitchell, Nenad Turk, Josipa Habuš, Suzana Hađina, Matko Perharić, Andrew S Waller. | 2021 |
Research Strangles | Infection of mast cells with live streptococci causes a toll-like receptor 2- and cell-cell contact-dependent cytokine and chemokine response. Infect Immun. 78:854-864. Rönnberg E, Guss B and Pejler G. | 2010 |
Research Strangles | A secreted collagen- and fibronectin-binding streptococcal protein modulates cell-mediated collagen gel contraction and interstitial fluid pressure. J Biol Chem 283:1234-1242. Lidén., A., van Wieringen, T., Lannergård, J., Kassner, A., Heinegård, D., Reed, R.K., Guss, B. and Rubin, K. | 2008 |
Research Strangles | A fibronectin-binding protein from Streptococcus equi binds collagen and modulates cell-mediated collagen gel contraction. Biochem Biophys Res Com 340:604-610. Lidén, Å., Karlström, Å., Lannergård, J., Kalamajski, S., Guss, B., Rubin, K. and Rydén, C. | 2006 |
Research Strangles | Studies of fibronectin-binding proteins in Streptococcus equi. Infect Immun 73:7243-7251. Lannergård, J., Flock, M., Johansson, S., Flock, J.-I., and Guss, B. | 2005 |
Research Strangles | FNE belongs to a novel family of fibronectin-binding and collagen-binding proteins of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (manuscript in Jonas Lannergårds doctoral thesis, SLU ISBN 91-576-7129-X). Lannergård, J. and Guss, B | 2006 |
Research Strangles | Comparison of the fibronectin-binding protein FNE from Streptococcus equi subspecies equi with FNZ from S. equi subspecies zooepidemicus reveals a major and conserved difference. Infect Immun. 69: 3159-3163. Lindmark, H., Nilsson, M. and Guss, B. | 2001 |
Research Strangles | SFS, a novel fibronectin-binding protein from Streptococcus equi, inhibits the binding between fibronectin and collagen. Infect. Immun. 67: 2383-2388. Lindmark, H. and Guss, B. | 1999 |
Research Strangles | Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and distribution of the genes zag and fnz in isolates of Streptococcus equi. Res Vet Sci. 66:93-99. Lindmark, H., Jonsson, P., Olsson-Engvall, E. and Guss, B. | 1999 |
Research Strangles | Fibronectin-binding protein of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus. Infect Immun 64: 3993-3999. Lindmark, H., Jacobsson, K., Frykberg, L. and Guss, B. | 1996 |
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